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Patrick Keller, of, invites you to join an open discussion on all things paranormal, but specifically topics like ghosts & hauntings, paranormal research, spirit communication, psychics & mediums, and life after death. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the séance!
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Apr 19, 2020


Anne Rzechowicz and Renata Daniel of Frightfully Good, return to the podcast to give us all a much needed humor break from the pandemic. They share some of the paranormal experiences from their travels, including experiences with the spirit box, and a night at the Ostrich Inn. And did you know Anne and Renata have matching tattoos?! Visit for more info.


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In this episode

Episode Teaser :00

Intro :58

Serious just might not be what we all need today! So when you want some fun and hilarity in your life, you go down under to find Anne Rzechowicz of Oz Para Tech and Renata Daniel of Newcastle Ghost Tours. Together they are Frightfully Good! 1:39

Pouring the tea! Today Patrick is drinking Healer Tea by the sponsor of today’s episode, Nuwati Herbals. 2:50

Welcome back, Anne and Renata! The last time they were on the show was in episode 122. 4:37

Some background on Anne and Renata individually and their joint projects as well. They have a wildly popular Facebook page called Frightfully Good. 6:32

When there’s no pandemic, Anne and Renata like to travel the world! 11:29

The paranormal is for all ages and abilities! 12:18

Table Tipping 18:20

Anne and Renata have a wealth of fantastic videos on Facebook and go LIVE regularly! 20:52

They’ve done so much and have travelled to so many places since they were here on the show last! They share some of their haunting experiences in Romania, England, and Ireland, including the historic Ostrich Inn. 21:48

Patrick retells his story of playing a trick on kids at the Lemp Mansion in St. Louis. 28:00

Some of their funniest videos. 29:51

A great travel tip about matches! 31:28

This episode of The Big Seance Podcast is sponsored by Nuwati Herbals - “Herbal Remedies from Mother Earth.” Visit and use the code BIGSEANCE to receive 15% off your Nuwati Herbals order as a THANK YOU! 33:16

The spirit box and the Estes Method. 35:00

Patrick reminisces about the experiences he and Karen had with the spirit box this last winter at the Haunted Castle House in Brumely, Missouri. 38:35

Renata thinks the Estes Method is a great tool for developing mediums. 40:00

Being sensitive to the experiences and emotions that people have on tours and events. 46:11

Abraham and the very cool story of Anne and Renata’s matching tattoos. 50:04

Our favorite questions about the Afterlife. 54:35

Final thoughts, including dealing with the COVID19 pandemic. 57:38

A new paranormal TV show on the way! 1:02:00

A special THANK YOU to Patreon supporters at the Super Paranerd and Parlor Guest level! 1:06:55

Outro 1:08:50


For more on Anne and Renata:

Frightfully Good - Paranormal, Spiritual, Community (Facebook)

Oz ParaTech on Facebook

Anne on Twitter: @annerze

Newcastle Ghost Tours on Facebook

Newcastle Ghost Tours on Twitter: @Spookyliscious 


The Big Seance Podcast can be found right here, on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsPandoraSpotifyTuneIn RadioStitcher, and iHeart Radio. Please subscribe, submit a rating, or share with a fellow paranerd! Do you have any comments or feedback? Please contact me at Consider recording your voice feedback directly from your device on my SpeakPipe page! You can also call the show and leave feedback at (775) 583-5563 (or 7755-TELL-ME). I would love to include your voice feedback in a future show. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the séance!