Dec 11, 2014
Call the show (775) 583-5563!
My conversation with Ginger Collins-Justus, owner and operator of Missouri History and Hauntings. Ginger shares some odd tales and little known haunted history of the state that I call home. We also chat about some of the historic connections that Missouri has with spiritualism.
Visit for show notes.
In this episode:
Record your voice
feedback directly from your device on my SpeakPipe
page! Call the show
at (775)
583-5563 (or 7755-TELL-ME). I
would love to include your voice feedback in a future show.
Visit BigSé for more
For More on Ginger Collins-Justus and Missouri History and Hauntings:
Missouri History and Hauntings on Facebook
Missouri History and Hauntings on Instagram
Thanks, Ginger!
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