Jul 16, 2016
Jason Kupzyk, co-host of The Ectoplasm Show and founder of both the Mid-Continent Paranormal Research Society (MCPRS) and Kansas City Paracon, shares details about the topics, speakers, and what to expect at this year's conference! Visit BigSeance.com for more information.
Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link!
In this episode:
Belvoir Winery - This winery is also known as The Odd Fellows Home and is located in Liberty, Missouri. I attended an event at Belvoir a few years ago and wrote several blog posts with coverage of investigations, spekers, and quite a bit of photography. A directory of those posts can be found here.
Union Station
Elms Resort
Savoy Hotel
John Wornall House - Featured on My Ghost Story.
For more on Jason Kupzyk and Kansas City Paracon
Record your voice feedback directly from your device on my SpeakPipe page! Call the show at (775) 583-5563 (or 7755-TELL-ME). I would love to include your voice feedback in a future show. Visit BigSéance.com for more information.
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