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Patrick Keller, of, invites you to join an open discussion on all things paranormal, but specifically topics like ghosts & hauntings, paranormal research, spirit communication, psychics & mediums, and life after death. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the séance!
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May 24, 2024


In anticipation of an exciting private overnight at the historic and haunted Lemp Mansion with Australia's Anne and Renata, Patrick shares an episode of their True Hauntings Podcast. In this 2021 episode, titled "Case 17: The Curse of Lemp Mansion", Anne and Renata cover the tragic history and lore of the Lemp family and their famous St. Louis home. Visit for more info. 

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In this episode:

Intro :00

Patrick has been getting excited for Anne and Renata’s next trip to the US from Australia. This fall they’ll be spending a few days in his area, which will include a private, overnight stay at the historic and haunted Lemp Mansion in St. Louis. Check out this episode from 2019 where Patrick and Karen A. Dahlman stayed overnight at the Lemp. But in looking forward to their upcoming visit, in today’s show, Patrick shares the 2021 episode of Anne and Renata’s True Hauntings podcast, titled Case 17: The Curse of Lemp Mansion. :45

The tragic history of the Lemp family and their home. 4:11

The Hauntings. 39:54

Debunking. 57:12

“Oh my freaking God! Did you hear that?!” Patrick’s funny story from one of his stays at the Lemp. 1:03:10

Is this a true haunting or not? 1:06:42

Outro 1:10:09

A special THANK YOU to Patreon supporters at the Super Paranerd and Parlor Guest level! 1:11:26


For more on Anne and Renata:

Anne and Renata's previous Big Seance appearances: Episodes 214, 163, and 122.

Facebook: Anne and Renata: Frightfully Good

Twitter: @anneandrenata

Instagram: @anneandrenata

Tiktok: @anneandrenata



The Big Seance Podcast can be found right here, on Apple PodcastsPandoraSpotifyTuneIn RadioAmazon MusicAudibleiHeart Radio, and YouTube. Please subscribe and share with a fellow paranerd! Do you have any comments or feedback? Please contact me at Consider recording your voice feedback directly from your device on my SpeakPipe page! You can also call the show and leave feedback at (775) 583-5563 (or 7755-TELL-ME). I would love to include your voice feedback in a future show. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the seance!