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Patrick Keller, of, invites you to join an open discussion on all things paranormal, but specifically topics like ghosts & hauntings, paranormal research, spirit communication, psychics & mediums, and life after death. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the séance!
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Oct 20, 2016

Jim Harold, host of The Paranormal Podcast, on the inspiration to create and produce his popular Jim Harold's Campfire podcast, and a sneak peek at a few of the stories from his recently released book, True Ghost Stories: Jim Harold's Campfire Volume 5! Visit for more info.

Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link!


In this episode: 

  • Episode Preview :00
  • Intro 1:52
  • Some updates: Facebook LIVE, Patrick’s stay at Lemp Mansion, Patrick’s Halloween Altar, and stay tuned for the Halloween Seance 2016. Visit The Big Seance Parlor on Facebook2:26
  • Welcome Jim Harold!
  • After the early success of The Paranormal Podcast, Jim created the Jim Harold’s Campfire podcast, which has also been a huge success! 7:01
  • The unseen hand that seems to sometimes mysteriously produce the Campfire podcast! 10:55
  • Jim’s recent compliments. The Jim Harold's Campfire podcast seems to be popular among law enforcement! 12:53
  • Some recent stories from the podcast: A Haunted Hotel, Me and Mrs. Jones 14:03
  • How does Jim determine what stories go in a book? 21:36
  • The Fire Marshall Car 23:37
  • Oldschool UFOs 29:11
  • Are the Campfire stories true? 32:29
  • What has Jim learned about how people experience or share their paranormal experiences? 35:23
  • Jim’s very first podcast interview and what he was thinking. 41:31
  • Thank you, Jim Harold! 43:56
  • Listener Feedback! 51:20
  • Outro 53:56
  • Outtakes & Paranerd Hashtag 53:35


For more on Jim Harold:

Jim's Author Page on

Jim Harold's Campfire Podcast on iTunes or iOS Podcast App


Record your voice feedback directly from your device on my SpeakPipe page! Call the show at (775) 583-5563 (or 7755-TELL-ME). I would love to include your voice feedback in a future show. Visit BigSé for more information.


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